𝓢𝓪𝓭 𝓟𝓸𝓮𝓽𝓻𝔂

Poetry is all around us, whether we know it or not. It's in the songs, the commercials, and the shared stories. We grew up with it, we lived it and we continue to live it on a daily basis. My love of poetry started when I was a little boy. Like many children, I found Mother Goose to be great entertainment. The stories allowed my imagination to catch on to something big and create a whole world that I wouldn't have known otherwise. Sad Poetry was my path to adulthood.

It allowed me to read what others went through a short read, but it allowed my mind to continue digesting information for hours, if not days. As someone who has always been a slow reader, this allowed me to take something longer than it took me to read. As a teenager, I started to write my own poems.It allowed me to express myself in ways that I couldn't find in stories or diaries. It helped my imagination to stay calm and keep my mind clean. As someone who hasn't had much luck with the opposite sex, I needed every means possible to express my unrequited loves. As an adult, my poetry has changed from my previous writings. I no longer write about the sadness of relationships or friendships. I write about the sunset I write about my favorite sports teams I write about the real beauty of life. Unfortunately, my time is much more limited now than it was in school. Fortunately, my writing has improved a lot over the years.What I lost in quantity, I recovered in quantity (or at least I hope so). For me, poetry is more than a few words put together to compose meters and stanzas. It is the expression. That's life. It's something he can read and think about for hours. It is the top of the pyramid of literature. He is constantly growing and is powerful. It is part of my past that I will never forget and will always be part of my future. My love of poetry may have started when I was a kid, but it has only grown over the years. It is something eternal and in me.
